Count-n-Control Launches Today

By | September 1, 2009

For the past serveral months I have been working on an online food stock control system named Count-n-Control (CnC).  CnC is based on a simple client based system that I developed 10 years ago, and has been used in over 50 food operations.

It is only in recent times that web technology has progressed to a point where online apps are feasible for applications that require large amounts of data entry.  For example: it is now possible to enter the transactions from an invoice quickly and efficiently online.  Historically this type of data entry was slow and clumsy with web-based applications.

CnC also leverages a number of ideas from Web 2.0, including:

  • “cloud-based” service delivery model, accessible for any internet enabled device
  • the traditional audit log is replaced with an exposed twitter style activity log
  • the “Freemium” business model means anyone is free to use Count-n-Control at no cost

Many of you will have stock control systems in place.  However, for those who don’t the barrier to entry has just been lowered.  You can now access to a tool for monitoring and controlling the performance of your operation at no cost.

I will post further insights into CnC over the coming posts.  In the mean time I invite you to sign-up and let me know what you think.

2 thoughts on “Count-n-Control Launches Today

  1. Cary

    Hi. This really is a fabulous idea and system. I work with pubs and restaurants (mainly marketing and promotion but also cost cutting) and the majority have very basic stock taking systems (if any!!) I am always looking for ways for them to reduce costs and this definately fits the bill. Will this service be free indefinately?
    Thanks, Cary

    1. Paul Clarke

      Hi Cary,

      Thanks for the positive feedback. I too have a background in pubs.

      Count-n-Control is based on the system we used to manage food cost at over 60 sites. While Count-n-Control retains the simplicity of the system we used, it is much more powerful with:
      – multi-site support
      – activity logging, and
      – remote access via the internet.

      Count-n-Control will always be free.

      Additional “premium” features that leverage and extend Count-n-Control will be offered for a small fee in the future. Premium features under consideration are:
      – recipe & menu costing
      – sales mix analysis/menu engineering
      – customer comments (related to menu items)

      I would be interested to hear your ideas/suggestions.

      Regards Paul.


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